Digistore24 order confirmation
Thank you for placing an order via our partner Digistore24.
We offer a 60 day money back guarantee in the US market.
You could find the excel templates for the calculations here.
If you are not yet a customer, you will receive the access data by e-mail in the following form in 1 – 2 working days:
User email: Your e-mail address
User key: defined key
You will receive the e-mail from roland.schnurr@sixsigmablackbelt.de The ordered module will be activated at the same time.
The valid licence take the restrictions out of the template. You could calculate all values.
With this licence you unlock the module „cmk – machine capability“ in the „sixsigmablackbelt analysis“ add in.
After activation you can calculate up to 200 values in the template.
It’s a yearly subscription but that the initial charge and yearly charges can be refunded within 60 days of the date the charge is made.